Friday, April 18, 2008

The 9/11 Hucksters

Like an insidious parasite the paranoid ramblings of the left have created created a new infection known as the "9/11 truth movement"

Unfortunately for these folks their assertions have been disproven scientifically. But facts never stopped crackpot lefties before.

Legitimate dialogue is distorted and interrupted by these lunatics. Websites have become completely inundated by jack off juveniles spewing retarded propaganda.

Ron Paul, a man who I greatly admire had his campaign destroyed and smeared as a result of their lies. They even insisted that Dr. Paul secretly agreed with them even while he publicly disavowed and criticized their comments.

This is because 9/11 hucksters do the same the thing most lefties do when confronted with evidence that contradicts their assertions.


I remember I saw video of the Popular Mechanics guy's ripping one of the "Loose Change" assholes.
After getting served with the facts he said something like......

"Well your just a mouthpiece of the yellow journalism Hearst propaganda machine."

In other words I can't contradict you with facts so I JUST IGNORE IT AND CONTINUE MY FANTASY.

An interesting facet of this is their so called "revisions".

Every time one of their theories is destroyed they go back to the drawing board and figure out how to make it work and then release a "new version of the truth".

Ac ham's razor tells us that the simplest explanation to a problem is most often the correct one.

Instead 9/11 loonies tell us that the government flew military jets into the WTC while coordinating a simultaneous explosion from with the buildings at the moment the planes hit. The plane over Pennsylvania was "shot down" and the Pentagon then shot a cruise missile at itself.

Maybe the Madrid and London bombing were a conspiracy too!!! Maybe when Hamas straps suicide vests to children in Israel are also a part of the Zionist capitalist international right wing conspiracy!!!

Or what about Bali, the 72 Olympics and the Lockerbie disaster? I guess we should just stick our heads in the sand.

Often ignored however is what I call the inherent radical left wing Bush bashing conundrum.

This is that that Bush is the most incompetent idiotic president who ever lived, and that he engineered the most flawlessly executed,intricate, difficult, improbable and physically impossible conspiracy ever devised.

I thought that G.W Bush was stupid liberals?