Monday, September 8, 2008

The Left Wing Media Vermin

Lately I've been amazed the putrid vitriol spewed by the left wing media at VP pick Sarah Palin.

Since she doesn't conform to the socialist vision of a pant wearing, disenfranchised, bull dyke, the Left is understandably upset. After all how could a women be independent successful, intelligent and also CONSERVATIVE OH NO!

The disgraceful coverage has led MSLSD to sack morons Keith Overbite, and Chris Matthews. But don't worry the left will keep trying. Their obvious bias has never been any impediment to relentless propaganda saturation.

Interestingly they gave Obama a free pass for 18 months and ignore his bizzare radical associations. I mean, after all Reverend Wright letting us know that the US government and white people gave AIDS to Africans isn't controversial at all. There was no way that Obama agreed with that even though he sat in a church and listened to it for 20 years.

GOD DAMN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I burst out in laughter after seeing the OK Magazine story on how wonderful Obamas family is juxtaposed with the "Sex, Lies and dirty Secrets headline" about Palin on the front page of US magazine. I've never see anything like it, they're not even pertending to be impartial anymore.

Every channel and periodical in lockstep, trying to destroy this woman and ridicule her family. BUT GUESS WHAT LEFTIES, HER FAMILY IS ACTUALLY NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

And if it is than all I have to say is Reverend Wright, Bill Airs, Reverend Wright, Bill Airs.

Oh and don't forget Michelle Obama, who is proud of America for the first time in her life. This is despite attending Yale and working a $250,000 a year job on a hospital board.

A hospital which charges uninsured patients ten times more than the uninsured.

Clearly living in America didn't provide her any opportunity.

The medias plan has actually backfired though, casting suspicion on their sympathies and rallying the Republican parties conservative base.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Obama The Special Interest Fraud

I was fascinated the other day to find out that the Messiah Barrack Obama is in fact in bed with the Corn lobby.

Obama rails about lobbyists and yet is intimately involved in one of the most insidious lobbies in Washington today.

Corn ethanol production drives up food prices in developing nations and is less efficiant and more polluting than sugar.

Obama supports sugar tariffs which has led to wasteful unneccessary investment in corn ethanol and also the use of high fructose corn syrup in consumer products which are unhealthy.

SO MUCH FOR CHANGE! But don't worry, the left wing will continue their vile attacks and have some convoluted justification for this ridiulous policy.

Just check out the NYTIMES article not exactly Fox news huh libs?