Saturday, October 3, 2009

This time they have gone too far....

According to the left wing media and Hollywood, it is quite unfair that child raping film maker Roman Polanski is being extradited back to California for punishment.

This is the ultimate example of the cynical and depraved nature of big Hollywood. From Harvey Weinstein to Oprah Winfrey the news is in. "Drugging and Raping 13 year girls is OK". Check out Joan Z. Shores article on Huffington Post where she seems to suggest that the child "asked for it". Amazingly it lists her as a member of an organization called "Overseas women for equality". This is a disgrace. Ariana Huffington is a scumbag for allowing this filth to be published on her website.

Many of these people are the same sanctimonious self righteous left wing moralizers who regularly lecture us on "progressive issues" and "women's rights". They are the same people who condemned the Duke Lacrosse players before the facts were presented.

But now its time to rally the troops, because the wonderful film-maker Roman Polanski is being held accountable for fleeing the country after drugging and raping a 13 year old girl.

What if it was your sister?

What if it was your daughter?

I don't think that have ever been more incensed or disgusted!

Shame on every dirtbag who is justifying this indefensible outrage. Shame on Ariana Huffington. I spit on you.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Obama's Chicago Slumlords

The left wing media conveniently ignored Obama's nefarious connections to notorious Chicago slumlord and convicted criminal Tony Rezko during the election.

Unfortunately for the left and his senior advisor Valerie Jarret, Obama's ill timed Olympic bid has cast more attention on their direct involvement in corrupt Public/Private housing schemes in Chicago.

The picture above is of Grove Parc. A subsidized private housing complex managed by senior Obama advisor Valerie Jarret's former company Habitat until last winter. The building is in the process of being condemned. About 99 of the units are entirely uninhabitable due to appalling conditions such as collapsed roofs, backed up sewage, and rat infestations.

Grove Parc is just one of many such developments in Obamas former district.

According to the Boton Globe.

"Antoin "Tony" Rezko, perhaps the most important fund-raiser for Obama's early political campaigns and a friend who helped the Obamas buy a home in 2005. Rezko's company used subsidies to rehabilitate more than 1,000 apartments, mostly in and around Obama's district, then refused to manage the units, leaving the buildings to decay to the point where many no longer were habitable."

"Campaign finance records show that six prominent developers - including Jarrett, Davis, and Rezko - collectively contributed more than $175,000 to Obama's campaigns over the last decade and raised hundreds of thousands more from other donors. Rezko alone raised at least $200,000, by Obama's own accounting."

The particularly perverse aspect of this is that the so-called left-wing do gooders are directly involved in a taxpayer subsidized for profit private scheme that subjects some of the poorest most vulnerable Americans to dangerous, unsanitary living conditions.

Obama likes to talk about the excess of Wall Street. I wonder then how he feels about Valerie Jarret receiving over $1,000,000 in compensation while serving as VP for Habitat.

Obama's direct involvement in this scheme will become progressively harder for the media to suppress.

I guess the chickens are finally coming home to roost!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Turbo Tax Cheat Tim Geitner

It's disconcerting enough that our treasury secretary is a tax cheat who can't even use turbo tax correctly and is incapable of finding qualified assistants.

But more alarming is the lefts consistent cheer leading despite his colossal ineptitude. Even left leaning former Fed Chief Paul Volcker felt the need to publicly criticize Geitner's incompetence to the consternation of the Obama media.

Take for example the recent controversy over the AIG bonus money. According to a New York Times article, Timothy Geitner in his position as chief of the NY Fed actually crafted the original AIG bailout plan.

Of course now the sanctified Obama must intervene, to punish those greedy executives that received bonuses approved by his own treasury secretary.

The hypocrisy is astounding, but don't worry our vigilant media is on the case.

We will hear all about the administrations shock and dismay that abuses occurred under the bailout plan. The same tarp bill that Obama voted for and AIG rescue package designed by Tim Geitner.

The Obama administration will bear no responsibility for its actions and the medias criticism will inevitably be directed at the "corporate excess at AIG"

I wonder if the media might think that their failing newspapers might have some correlation to a loss of credibility amongst the public?

Oh well, lets just bail them out too. Certainly Obama would have a vested interest in doing so since their such best friends.

Obama can appoint an executive commissar of media to direct their collective efforts against whats left of free enterprise capitalism.

I'm surprised the media have not started openly advocating this plan themselves.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

We just need more regulation!

Like deranged parrots, liberals and the left wing media continue to tell us that "we need more regulation to fix these problems" and that the current financial crisis is the "result of the reckless deregulation of the Bush years"

I have a simple question for these people.

Name one, just one specific legislative action conducted by the Bush administration that contributed to the deregulation of the financial industry.

This query will be answered by mindless stammering by the liberal who will have no coherent answer.

The truth is there was no significant deregulation of the financial industry during the Bush administration.

In fact the only significant regulatory reform passed during the Bush administration was Sarbannes-Oxley which increased the frequency and scrutiny of federal audits in the wake of the Enron Debacle.

Glass-Seagal which seperated commercial and investment banking was repealed during the Clinton administration.

Bush's policy is a continuation of the same easy credit and low interest rate federal reserve policies that helped prime the housing bubble in the 1990's and led to the current crash.

It's simply amazing to me the so many left wing politicians and a compliant media will absolve the government of any responsibility for the housing bubble.

And as always it the "evil businessman" who is responsible for all the problems. Not politicians who pressured lenders to loan to risky borrowers or the federal reserves manipulation of interest rates.

But wait, Obama and the liberals have a solution that will fix all our problems!

More easy credit! We just have to encourage more of the same policy that caused the crash in the first place. Better yet, lets have the Fed print more fake paper money and then send welfare checks to Americans that don't pay income taxes.

That will fix it!

Then the next narrative from the media will be.....

"And so it was that the Messiah Obama had the Fed print more fake money, encourage more risky lending by bailing out banks and then sent welfare checks to Americans that don't pay taxes. By these and other measures the great Obama saved us from the financial crisis caused by the evil monster Bush.

The government does not create wealth, increased deficits, spending and make work
programs will only exacerbate the economic problems.

Welcome to the U.S.S.A and say goodbye to individual freedom and responsibility.