Thursday, January 8, 2009

We just need more regulation!

Like deranged parrots, liberals and the left wing media continue to tell us that "we need more regulation to fix these problems" and that the current financial crisis is the "result of the reckless deregulation of the Bush years"

I have a simple question for these people.

Name one, just one specific legislative action conducted by the Bush administration that contributed to the deregulation of the financial industry.

This query will be answered by mindless stammering by the liberal who will have no coherent answer.

The truth is there was no significant deregulation of the financial industry during the Bush administration.

In fact the only significant regulatory reform passed during the Bush administration was Sarbannes-Oxley which increased the frequency and scrutiny of federal audits in the wake of the Enron Debacle.

Glass-Seagal which seperated commercial and investment banking was repealed during the Clinton administration.

Bush's policy is a continuation of the same easy credit and low interest rate federal reserve policies that helped prime the housing bubble in the 1990's and led to the current crash.

It's simply amazing to me the so many left wing politicians and a compliant media will absolve the government of any responsibility for the housing bubble.

And as always it the "evil businessman" who is responsible for all the problems. Not politicians who pressured lenders to loan to risky borrowers or the federal reserves manipulation of interest rates.

But wait, Obama and the liberals have a solution that will fix all our problems!

More easy credit! We just have to encourage more of the same policy that caused the crash in the first place. Better yet, lets have the Fed print more fake paper money and then send welfare checks to Americans that don't pay income taxes.

That will fix it!

Then the next narrative from the media will be.....

"And so it was that the Messiah Obama had the Fed print more fake money, encourage more risky lending by bailing out banks and then sent welfare checks to Americans that don't pay taxes. By these and other measures the great Obama saved us from the financial crisis caused by the evil monster Bush.

The government does not create wealth, increased deficits, spending and make work
programs will only exacerbate the economic problems.

Welcome to the U.S.S.A and say goodbye to individual freedom and responsibility.