Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Turbo Tax Cheat Tim Geitner

It's disconcerting enough that our treasury secretary is a tax cheat who can't even use turbo tax correctly and is incapable of finding qualified assistants.

But more alarming is the lefts consistent cheer leading despite his colossal ineptitude. Even left leaning former Fed Chief Paul Volcker felt the need to publicly criticize Geitner's incompetence to the consternation of the Obama media.

Take for example the recent controversy over the AIG bonus money. According to a New York Times article, Timothy Geitner in his position as chief of the NY Fed actually crafted the original AIG bailout plan.

Of course now the sanctified Obama must intervene, to punish those greedy executives that received bonuses approved by his own treasury secretary.

The hypocrisy is astounding, but don't worry our vigilant media is on the case.

We will hear all about the administrations shock and dismay that abuses occurred under the bailout plan. The same tarp bill that Obama voted for and AIG rescue package designed by Tim Geitner.

The Obama administration will bear no responsibility for its actions and the medias criticism will inevitably be directed at the "corporate excess at AIG"

I wonder if the media might think that their failing newspapers might have some correlation to a loss of credibility amongst the public?

Oh well, lets just bail them out too. Certainly Obama would have a vested interest in doing so since their such best friends.

Obama can appoint an executive commissar of media to direct their collective efforts against whats left of free enterprise capitalism.

I'm surprised the media have not started openly advocating this plan themselves.