Friday, January 18, 2008

Steven Colbert Dirtbag Extraordinaire

I despise Steven Colbert and his communist variety show.

Colbert lampoon's the right by hosting left wing academics and then utilizes the most cliched talking points to ridicule their position.

The result is brainwashed viewers who then think that the most extreme left wing position on any issue is the correct one.

This is the intellectual equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel.

This annoying shtick is as irresponsible as it is repetitive and obnoxious.

I wonder how long Steven will do the same thing over and over again.

I guess the answer would be as long as it makes money.

Like fellow socialist crackpot Michael Moore, Colbert makes a handsome living delivering naive criticisms of Capitalism.

Hey I bet I can be just like Colbert, only a right wing version poking fun at the left.

Let's see how hard it is!

"Obviously it's the governments responsibility to take care any problem a person might have"

"What we need to do is plan every aspect of the economy, pay for every one's
health care and personal bills while having a $20 an hour minimum wage and a 20 hour work week".

"Financial responsibility isn't important, we should be spending as much as possible on every government program, it's OK because we can just tax it from the rich people who stole it from the poor. That won't cause financial problems and inhibit growth at all".

"Obviously we should never be allowed to eat meat, which is the moral equivalent of murder".

"Unborn children should be aborted when convenient, but serial killers and murderers should never be executed, that would be downright wrong".

"All cultures are uniquely deserving of respect, except western culture which is evil racist and sexist".

"Industrialism is wrong, in order to save the planet we have to move back to the forest and live off the land. That way we can build a hairy pitted matriarchal eco society".

"If we only coddled our foreign enemies more and handled them with kid gloves everything would be better, I mean appeasement was a really successful policy in the 1930's".

"Corporations are all evil, except of course Starbucks and Apple which make great coffee and computers"

Whew, that was really difficult! Colbert sure is a genius.

The sad thing is that an entire generation is being misled by this nonsense.

Colbert is willing to distort facts and interrupt his guests to push his ideological agenda. He is no different than those he purports to ridicule.

We should honor the hard working people that built this country, not the Kook's and Whiners who hate it.

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