Friday, February 15, 2008

John Edwards - The Populist Hedge Fund Trial Lawyer

John Edwards has an estimated $100 million dollar bank account and a 30,000 a square foot home.

He made this fortune by suing doctors and hospitals and then re-investing the money in Wall Street Hedge Funds.

One of these funds was recently found to be eviciting destitute Hurricane Katrina victims from their homes.

But this comes as no suprise since hypocricy is Edward's most consistent trait.

Now that he's finished chasing ambulances, John Edwards can be found on the campaign trail where he regurgitates Anti-Capitalist rhetoric to his delluded supporters.

He is also fond of criticizing the Iraq War and the Patriot Act.

Coincidentally he authorized the former and voted for the latter.

But to realize what a true scumbag John Edwards is you have to go back to his illustrious career as a Trial Lawyer.

This excerpt is from Wkipedia

In 1985, Edwards represented a five-year-old child born with cerebral palsy whose doctor did not choose to perform an immediate Caesarean delivery when a fetal monitor showed she was in distress. Edwards won a $6.5 million verdict for his client, but five weeks later, the presiding judge sustained the verdict but overturned the award on grounds that it was "excessive" and that it appeared "to have been given under the influence of passion and prejudice," adding that in his opinion "the evidence was insufficient to support the verdict." He offered the plaintiffs half of the jury's award, but the child's family appealed the case and settled for $4.25 million.[11] Winning this case established the North Carolina precedent of physician and hospital liability for failing to determine if the patient understood risks of a particular procedure.[12]

So John Edwards made millions of dollars by suing a doctor who made an honest mistake on a technicality.

Impartial observers including the judge noted that "The jury seemed to be swayed by Edwards passionate oratory rather than the actual fact's of the case".

Theres also something twisted and ironic about a sheister lawyer engaged in medical malpractice suits over child birth while advocating pro-choice policy.

He most likely ruined the doctors career and bankrupted the hospital. But it's OK, when your a trial lawyer theres always more people to sue and ruin!

Like later as a personal injury lawyer suing corporations for product liability. Garnering millions even in cases when products were clearly labeled and used irresponsibly.

Of course you could expect the anti-business rhetoric from Edwards. After all he never made money by creating products and services like a real businessman.

Every dime he made was taken from someone else's hard work and tears.

And every political gain was based on distortion and lies.

John Edwards a real American Democrat Dirtbag.

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